Having grown up knowing his father Yuga Khan was lost to the Source Wall, Uxas of royal family of Apokolips developed an un-quenched lust for power. He always longed for the throne but his brother always came into his ways, who was a complete opposite of Uxas's nature. The quest to overthrow Drax and his mother Heggra, took him to New Genesis where he met a peaceful young man, who will become his future ally DeSaad after Uxas twisted his perspective with a slight misdirection and manipulation.
Fourth World
As a link to Omega Realm was found, Drax was about to claim the power but Uxas interrupted him in the middle to gain the power and took the name
Darkseid for himself. He became the most feared among all who ever walked on Apokolips and despite his rise to power cost the life of his brother Drax, his mother Heggra was actually pleased seeing her boy becoming a ruthless tyrant.
Darkseid suggested his uncle, General Steppenwolf to hunt down the New Gods whom he viewed as enemies.
New Gods
Uxas ignited a war between Apokolips and New Genesis by sending General Steppenwolf to kill the New Gods. The first casualty of the war was Izaya's wife Avia and in retaliation, he killed Steppenwolf.
Darkseid successfully brought him back to life and resumed the war he started for dominance over the New Gods. Heggra chose Tigra as his betrothed at that time but he felt more passionate towards the sorceress named Suli. They eventually married and because of her pacifist nature,
Darkseid starts questioning his own ways.
Darkseid | Comics |
He would have two sons; Kalibak and
Orion from Suli and Tigra respectively but Heggra not wanting her son to be as peaceful as Drax, orders DeSaad to kill Suli. Uxas was about to marry Karreev in order to get his hands on vast chemical deposits but the plan is ruined by
Doomsday who crash landed and started tearing apart everything around. Heggra's conspiracy with DeSaad regarding Suli was revealed to
Darkseid at some point and he forced the latter to poison his mother, thus becoming the ruler of Apokolips.
After reviewing a case of a dog cavalry soldier named Goodness,
Darkseid realized her potential of brainwashing subjects and turning them into his loyal slaves, Granny Goodness of dog cavalry was made in-charge of his honor guard, the Female Furies. Upon learning from his encounter with the race of Green Martians that "will" embodied "life-equation", he came up with the theory of an "Anti-Life Equation" which will overthrow will and he become obsessed with it.
Darkseid made a pact with Highfather of New Gods that they’d keep each others’ son to raise in their adoptive worlds and as long as they stayed there, the truce will hold. Izaya's son Scott Free would became a maser escape artist
Mister Miracle under the care of Granny Goodness and he eventually eloped with Big Barda, leader of the Female Furies.
Orion also grew up becoming a great warrior of the Fourth World with the values of New Genesis, destined to kill
The Great Darkness Saga
When mysterious beings working for a master of "Great Darkness" start stealing powerful artifacts, Cosmic Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes of the 30th century goes to an investigation and confronts these beings. After capturing one of them, Mon-El and Dream Girl discovers that it was an imperfect clone of Shadow Lass and another of these being freed their worst enemy Mordru the Merciless. The unknown master appears to defeat both Mordru and another Legionnaire villain Time Trapper.
As one of these servants try to kidnap White Witch, Invisible Kid follows it through the warp it teleported with and encountered the master but only to be blast off by him. The Legionnaires attack the Sorcerers' World and there Mon-El faced the master and finally recognizing him. The latter goes to Mon-El's homeworld Daxam and took control over three billion Daxamites to reshape it in his own image. The master, none other than Darkseid is confronted and it took all the effort from every active and reserve Legionnaires just to thwart his plan.
Crisis on Infinite Earths
At the time of the first Crisis of the Universe,
Darkseid's advisor DeSaad asks him what would be their course of action in this play. To which, the former simply replies that they will remain as audience as long as the heroes fairs against the might of
Anti-Monitor but if they fail, he will still meet his fate at the hands of the lord of Apokolips. He eventually came to assist Alexander Luthor, Jr., Kal-L and Superboy-Prime to oppose a slightly weakened
Anti-Monitor. However, due to the change of timeline, he probably doesn't remember taking part into the fight anymore.
Cosmic Odyssey
A being constructed of Anti-Life energy is set out to destroy planets by spreading its aspects across the Universe.
Batman, Forager,
Green Lantern John Stewart, Lightray,
Martian Manhunter,
Orion, Starfire and
Superman have paired up and parted ways to capture its aspects. Meanwhile, Jason Blood of Earth is left behind in New Genesis to be merged with
Etrigan, the Demon once again! Aided by Etrigan,
Darkseid decides to face the Anti-Life being on his own but got overpowered, until he was saved by the arrival of
Doctor Fate, Hightfather and
A year after the "
Death of Superman", the asteroid that was carrying
Doomsday finds its way to a scavenger ship that was heading to Apokolips. Upon landing, the monster unleashed death and destruction on the planet until
Darkseid decided to stop the behemoth by stepping into a fight with him. He released his destructive Omega Beams but even that was not enough to put an end to his reign of chaos and he savagely beat down the ruler of Apokolips. Unfortunately for the tyrant, DeSaad had to call for
Superman's help on Earth, who came to save the day.
For more information on
Darkseid comics series, you can check out these links below.
Darkseid (Comics) Wikipedia
Darkseid (Comics) DC Wikia
The Source Wall Conflict |
Here is your links to buy "
Darkseid” comics from
DC Comics on
Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus Vol 01
Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus Vol 02
Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus Vol 03
Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus Vol 04
Jack Kirby’s Forever People
Legion of Super Heroes – The Great Darkness Saga (Softcover)
Legion of Super Heroes – The Great Darkness Saga (Hardcover)
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Absolute Crisis on Infinite Earths
History of the DC Universe (Softcover)
History of the DC Universe (Hardcover)
Greatest Superman Stories Ever Told
Legends – The Collected Edition
Superman – The Man of Steel Vol 02
Wonder Woman – Beauty and the Beasts
Cosmic Odyssey
Superman/Doomsday – Hunter/Prey
Zero Hour – Crises In Time
Wonder Woman – Second Genesis
Sandman – The Wake
JLA – Rock of Ages
Justice League of America – The Nail
Orion – The Gates of Apokolips
Orion by Walter Simonson Omnibus
Superman – Our Worlds at War Book 01
Superman – Our Worlds at War Book 02
New Gods – Tales of the New Gods
JLA/Avengers (Softcover)
JLA/Avengers (Hardcover)
Superman/Batman Vol 02 – Supergirl from Krypton (Softcover)
Superman/Batman Vol 02 – Supergirl from Krypton (Hardcover)
Superman/Batman Vol 04 – With a Vengeance (Softcover)
Superman/Batman Vol 04 – With a Vengeance (Hardcover)
Countdown to Final Crisis Vol 01
Countdown to Final Crisis Vol 02
Countdown to Final Crisis Vol 03
Countdown to Final Crisis Vol 04
Superman/Batman Vol 06 – Torment (Softcover)
Superman/Batman Vol 06 – Torment (Hardcover)
Booster Gold – 52 Pick-Up (Softcover)
Booster Gold – 52 Pick-Up (Hardcover)
Death of The New Gods (Softcover)
Death of The New Gods (Hardcover)
Superman Vs. Darkseid
Final Crisis (Softcover)
Final Crisis (Hardcover)
Absolute Final Crisis
Final Crisis Companion
Justice League of America – When Worlds Collide (Softcover)
Justice League of America – When Worlds Collide (Hardcover)
A fictional villain who is considered as the most menacing and evil character that ever existed in the entire history of publication of
DC Comics,
Darkseid was created by one of the most renowned comic-book creator
Jack Kirby (
Captain America,
Fourth World).
He was first debuted in 1970 on the pages of
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, issue
#133 and kept up appearing in many
Superman and
Justice League-based monthly ongoing titles and limited series. He was part of various popular storylines like
The Great Darkness Saga,
Supergirl from Krypton, other
Superman and
Justice League of America related titles as well as major crossover events like
Cosmic Odyssey.
Darkseid Vs. Superman |
In the wake of
The New 52 wave following the reality altering “
Flashpoint” event, the character also made his debut in Prime Earth on the page of
Justice League issue
#4. The character has appeared in
Superman: The Animated Series,
Justice League and
Justice League Unlimited animated television series.
He was supposed to make a cameo in the movie
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2016 from
DC Extended Universe.
Darkseid also worked as an influence behind writer-artist
Jim Starlin’s creation of the character
Thanos; the most powerful antagonist from
Marvel Comics.
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