Comics Graphic Novel Jason Aaron Loki Mahmud Asrar Malekith Marvel Comics Russell Dauterman Storyline Thor Valerio Schiti 7 Years Ago The Mighty Thor – The War Thor | Comics Odinson and the Mighty Thor witness the rise of War Thor as he unleashes his fury of vengeance against...... forum play_circle_outline
Adam Kubert Alan Davis Annihilus Avengers Captain America Comics Graphic Novel Iron Man Mahmud Asrar Mark Waid Marvel Comics Miles Morales Ms Marvel Nova Storyline Thor Vision 8 Years Ago All-New, All-Different Avengers – Family Business | Comics A "Standoff" at Pleasant Hill between All-New, All-Different Avengers and Uncanny Avengers takes place...... forum play_circle_outline
Adam Kubert Avengers Captain America Comics Graphic Novel Iron Man Kang the Conqueror Mahmud Asrar Mark Waid Marvel Comics Miles Morales Ms Marvel Nova Scarlet Witch Storyline Thor Vision 9 Years Ago All-New, All-Different Avengers – The Magnificent Seven | Comics The Avengers does not exist anymore but a threat from beyond the stars forced Earth's Mightiest Heroes...... forum play_circle_outline
Batman Comics Comics Event Crossover Cyborg DC Comics Justice League Kenneth Rocafort Mahmud Asrar New 52 Scott Lobdell Superboy Supergirl Superman Teen Titans The Flash Wonder Woman 10 Years Ago H'El on Earth | Comics Superman is currently following a new training regime to get powered up for being prepared...... forum play_circle_outline