Crime lords of New York are getting desperate for territory control and Spider-Man tries his best to contain the madness.
After dealing with events of Spider-Verse and coming back from Multiverse, Peter Parker was swinging around New York City as Amazing Spider-Man. He comes across Captain Yuri Watanabe of NYPD surrounding an abandoned building on a warrant from Detective Teddy Rangel, who got a tip about Tombstone raising an army.
Spidey offers his help as they were partners in crime-fighting before but Watanabe decides to do things by book this time. However, their conversation is interrupted when Tombstone's men starts shooting at them. Spider-Man quickly takes them aside from harm's way and bursts through an army of goons before taking down their boss.
Tombstone and his men are all arrested shortly but Teddy was taken to hospital to deal with serious injury. In court, Judge Howell lets Lonnie Lincoln walk free from custody due to lack of evidence and Yuri gets heat from Chief Yaborough. Peter goes to talk to her at hospital in his civilian guise and a comatose Teddy eventually dies later.
That night, Watanabe gets a surprise visit from Martin Li AKA Mister Negative, who is revealed to be Teddy's source. He hands her photograph evidence of Judge Howell dealing drugs with Tombstone's guys. Even with this evidence at hand, she fails to convince police chief to issue a warrant against Howell and decides to go as Wraith.
She meets with Spider-Man to raid a construction site to find records on him and blew up a vault with anti-tank missile to get it. As Spidey argues over her vigilante methods of working, Mister Negative keeps an eye over her from afar. This led to Howell's arrest but Chief Yaborough tells her that she is taking things personally.
In uptown Manhattan, Goblin King and Hammerhead discuss terms of taking over Tombstone's territory when they are interrupted by everyone's friendly neighborhood Wall-Crawler. He informs Yuri about some sort of meeting at her precinct and both of them showed up to that gathering at Empire Royale Theater on midnight.
Though they managed to trash all mobs but Goblin King managed to flee and Hammerhead drags Spider-Man to a cage fight. He gets the first drop by sucker-punching Spidey, only to get beaten twice as hard to a knockout. As they two leave arguing over Wraith fighting for territory control, Mister Negative watches them from a nearby seat.
Shortly afterwards, a turf war breaks in between goons of Hammerhead and Tombstone at third precinct of Manhattan. Black Cat shows up to show them who is in charge but none of them are willing to join her. A new Crime Master approaches her suggesting that she try to win favor of those mobsters by breaking them out of jail.
Tipped off by Mister Negative about this plan of a breakout, Spidey and Wraith head to Ryker's Island. There, they fend off members of Enforcers and though Web-head gets mauled by Cat, he managed to convince her to walk away. Despite his efforts to contain the situation, one of Mr. Negative's Inner Demons henchmen shot Tombstone.
Though his attempt to form an alliance with Circus of Crime fell apart, he managed to deduce Captain Watanabe was Wraith all along and set her up to do his bidding. Yuri and Spidey soon find themselves teaming-up once again to foil another evil plan of Mr. Negative that involves fighting The Ringmaster and his entourage of crime.
Here is your links to buy "Amazing Spider-Man – Spiral" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.
Amazing Spider-Man V3 16.1
Amazing Spider-Man V3 17.1
Amazing Spider-Man V3 18.1
Amazing Spider-Man V3 19.1
Amazing Spider-Man V3 20.1
Here is your links to buy "Amazing Spider-Man – Spiral" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.
Amazing Spider-Man – Spiral
In post-Spider-Verse period, writer Gerry Conway (Amazing Spider-Man – Renew Your Vows – Brawl In The Family, Amazing Spider-Man – Renew Your Vows – The Venom Experiment) took charge of mainline Spider-Man narrative along with talented artist Carlo Barberi (Deadpool – Suicide Kings, Ororo – Before the Storm) for a brief time.
Collecting issues #16.1-20.1 from Amazing Spider-Man monthly ongoing comic-book series, "Spiral" effectively wrapped up its third volume of publication from Marvel Comics in 2015 with a basic tale of gang wars in New York. Covers were done by artist Arthur Adams (Fantastic Four – Monsters Unleashed, Fear Itself – The Fearless).
Following events of "Shadowland", New York underworld sees a power vacuum in absence of Kingpin. Most of these fights for territory were between Hammerhead and Tombstone, while Mister Negative was cooking his own plans. Things went worse from bad when Crime Master and reassembled Enforcers decides to help Black Cat.
Previous storyline "Graveyard Shift" was more about Peter Parker finding his place in his own company Parker Industries and among friends. "Spiral" is more about fighting old enemies under new circumstances that changes people forever. Most notably, recent events have drastically changed Captain Yuri Watanabe and her ways.
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After dealing with events of Spider-Verse and coming back from Multiverse, Peter Parker was swinging around New York City as Amazing Spider-Man. He comes across Captain Yuri Watanabe of NYPD surrounding an abandoned building on a warrant from Detective Teddy Rangel, who got a tip about Tombstone raising an army.
Spidey offers his help as they were partners in crime-fighting before but Watanabe decides to do things by book this time. However, their conversation is interrupted when Tombstone's men starts shooting at them. Spider-Man quickly takes them aside from harm's way and bursts through an army of goons before taking down their boss.
Tombstone and his men are all arrested shortly but Teddy was taken to hospital to deal with serious injury. In court, Judge Howell lets Lonnie Lincoln walk free from custody due to lack of evidence and Yuri gets heat from Chief Yaborough. Peter goes to talk to her at hospital in his civilian guise and a comatose Teddy eventually dies later.
That night, Watanabe gets a surprise visit from Martin Li AKA Mister Negative, who is revealed to be Teddy's source. He hands her photograph evidence of Judge Howell dealing drugs with Tombstone's guys. Even with this evidence at hand, she fails to convince police chief to issue a warrant against Howell and decides to go as Wraith.
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Amazing Spider-Man – Spiral | Comics |
She meets with Spider-Man to raid a construction site to find records on him and blew up a vault with anti-tank missile to get it. As Spidey argues over her vigilante methods of working, Mister Negative keeps an eye over her from afar. This led to Howell's arrest but Chief Yaborough tells her that she is taking things personally.
In uptown Manhattan, Goblin King and Hammerhead discuss terms of taking over Tombstone's territory when they are interrupted by everyone's friendly neighborhood Wall-Crawler. He informs Yuri about some sort of meeting at her precinct and both of them showed up to that gathering at Empire Royale Theater on midnight.
Though they managed to trash all mobs but Goblin King managed to flee and Hammerhead drags Spider-Man to a cage fight. He gets the first drop by sucker-punching Spidey, only to get beaten twice as hard to a knockout. As they two leave arguing over Wraith fighting for territory control, Mister Negative watches them from a nearby seat.
Shortly afterwards, a turf war breaks in between goons of Hammerhead and Tombstone at third precinct of Manhattan. Black Cat shows up to show them who is in charge but none of them are willing to join her. A new Crime Master approaches her suggesting that she try to win favor of those mobsters by breaking them out of jail.
Tipped off by Mister Negative about this plan of a breakout, Spidey and Wraith head to Ryker's Island. There, they fend off members of Enforcers and though Web-head gets mauled by Cat, he managed to convince her to walk away. Despite his efforts to contain the situation, one of Mr. Negative's Inner Demons henchmen shot Tombstone.
Though his attempt to form an alliance with Circus of Crime fell apart, he managed to deduce Captain Watanabe was Wraith all along and set her up to do his bidding. Yuri and Spidey soon find themselves teaming-up once again to foil another evil plan of Mr. Negative that involves fighting The Ringmaster and his entourage of crime.
Here is your links to buy "Amazing Spider-Man – Spiral" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.
Amazing Spider-Man V3 16.1
Amazing Spider-Man V3 17.1
Amazing Spider-Man V3 18.1
Amazing Spider-Man V3 19.1
Amazing Spider-Man V3 20.1
Here is your links to buy "Amazing Spider-Man – Spiral" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.
Amazing Spider-Man – Spiral
In post-Spider-Verse period, writer Gerry Conway (Amazing Spider-Man – Renew Your Vows – Brawl In The Family, Amazing Spider-Man – Renew Your Vows – The Venom Experiment) took charge of mainline Spider-Man narrative along with talented artist Carlo Barberi (Deadpool – Suicide Kings, Ororo – Before the Storm) for a brief time.
Collecting issues #16.1-20.1 from Amazing Spider-Man monthly ongoing comic-book series, "Spiral" effectively wrapped up its third volume of publication from Marvel Comics in 2015 with a basic tale of gang wars in New York. Covers were done by artist Arthur Adams (Fantastic Four – Monsters Unleashed, Fear Itself – The Fearless).
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Spiraling Out of Control |
Following events of "Shadowland", New York underworld sees a power vacuum in absence of Kingpin. Most of these fights for territory were between Hammerhead and Tombstone, while Mister Negative was cooking his own plans. Things went worse from bad when Crime Master and reassembled Enforcers decides to help Black Cat.
Previous storyline "Graveyard Shift" was more about Peter Parker finding his place in his own company Parker Industries and among friends. "Spiral" is more about fighting old enemies under new circumstances that changes people forever. Most notably, recent events have drastically changed Captain Yuri Watanabe and her ways.
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