In wake of a major prison break at Raft, Captain America assembles an unlikely band of heroes to form New Avengers.
When Scarlet Witch lost control over her reality-altering power, it caused a series of events that took the lives of Ant-Man, Hawkeye and Vision. With a few many broken members of The Avengers left but no funding to keep them running, their team has finally been disbanded and everyone went their separate ways from then on.
Six months later, lawyer Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson takes Luke Cage as their bodyguard to maximum-security prison Raft at Ryker's Island to see a client. They are greeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jessica Drew AKA Spider-Woman, who escorted them to inner levels underwater, all full of super-powered murdering maniacs and psychopaths.
Meanwhile, Maxwell Dillon is contacted by a guy in shadows at his cell to stage a prison break. Wearing his Electro costume, he unleashes his power that killed all generators on Raft, which frees almost every captive super-villain from their captivity and even caused a massive blackout that engulfed the nearby city of New York.
Back at his apartment, Peter Parker planned on having some free time with his wife Mary Jane Watson but his plan is cut short when everything goes dark and he sees a lightning bolt striking on Raft. So, he quickly dresses up as Spider-Man and latches onto a helicopter to get a fast ride there, which got suddenly got hit and he falls into water.
He swam through freezing cold water only to be greeted by Captain America on board, who also landed on that S.H.I.E.L.D. chopper. A second explosion goes off suddenly and they see Electro fleeing with someone. Surrounded by enemies, Spidey is thrown into a gauntlet of adversaries, lost his mask and got his arm broken by Jigsaw.
Murdock asks Jessica to take him to his client and they see a scruffy-looking loner inside that cell, whom he reveals to be The Sentry, most powerful super hero on Earth and are voluntary serving a sentence for allegedly killing his wife. As they try to convince him to help them escape right now, Carnage showed up out of nowhere.
To secure his friend Foggy, Murdock throws him into cell and he eventually managed to get Sentry back in action. Breaking out of his cell door, Robert Reynolds grabs Carnage and then rips him apart after taking him straight to space. Cage and Drew managed to take down Mr. Hyde before Hydro-Man slowly starts drowning them.
They still got out joining an ensuing fight alongside Cap and Spidey, which doesn't look good at all. Iron Man drops by to catch Cap mid-air when he was thrown away by Ironclad and join the party. Luke Cage comes across his arch-nemesis Purple Man, who orders him to first kill all his hero-buddies present there and then kill himself.
He was badly beaten down by Cage in response because he was sedated and his mind-power didn't work on him until he was stopped by Cap. Things wrapped up pretty fast when Sentry returns from his short trip and next day, Steve Rogers proposes to Tony Stark about forming an Avengers team with these newly assembled heroes.
One by one, he approached Cage, Jessica and Peter Parker to help him recapture 42 escaped prisoners. With an exception of Daredevil, everyone else gladly agrees to be part of his new team and meets at Stark Tower. They took Electro into custody and found clues that lead them to Savage Land, looking for Karl Lykos AKA Sauron.
Unable to access his S.H.I.E.L.D. file, New Avengers heads to the land of dinosaurs in a Quinjet that is stomped by a Tyranasaurus moments after their arrival. As they all got split up after that, Cage and Drew encounter X-Men member, Wolverine.
Here is your links to buy "New Avengers – Breakout" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.
New Avengers 01
New Avengers 02
New Avengers 03
New Avengers 04
New Avengers 05
New Avengers 06
Here is your links to buy "New Avengers – Breakout" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.
New Avengers – Breakout (Softcover)
New Avengers – Breakout (Hardcover)
Following events of "Avengers Disassembled", writer Brian Michael Bendis (House of M, Secret War) and artist David Finch (Moon Knight – Midnight Sun, Moon Knight – The Bottom) was hired by Marvel Comics to work on a spin-off series titled, New Avengers and "Breakout" is its first storyline that forms the foundation of their team.
With Fantastic Four out of scene and X-Men preoccupied, there is literally no one to stop any global threat and so, the assembled heroes formed a new team that aims to be a better version of Avengers. In the mean time, capturing escaped super-villains from Raft prison break keeps them busy until they come across some real threat.
Bendis successfully orchestrated a setting where some unlikely allies will assemble together for a single cause and bringing in 87 maniacal persona of Marvel Universe into that mix was a recipe that perfectly worked out for his plan. He also kept Spider-Woman's behavior somewhat mysterious to explore further in a later occasion.
Considering first story to debut a new series, "Breakout" spawns more secrets from friends and enemies than it actually resolves. Collecting first six issues of New Avengers monthly ongoing comic-book run, it is followed by "Sentry" up next that sees a long-awaited return of a classic superhero with a side order of a menacing terror.
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When Scarlet Witch lost control over her reality-altering power, it caused a series of events that took the lives of Ant-Man, Hawkeye and Vision. With a few many broken members of The Avengers left but no funding to keep them running, their team has finally been disbanded and everyone went their separate ways from then on.
Six months later, lawyer Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson takes Luke Cage as their bodyguard to maximum-security prison Raft at Ryker's Island to see a client. They are greeted by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jessica Drew AKA Spider-Woman, who escorted them to inner levels underwater, all full of super-powered murdering maniacs and psychopaths.
Meanwhile, Maxwell Dillon is contacted by a guy in shadows at his cell to stage a prison break. Wearing his Electro costume, he unleashes his power that killed all generators on Raft, which frees almost every captive super-villain from their captivity and even caused a massive blackout that engulfed the nearby city of New York.
Back at his apartment, Peter Parker planned on having some free time with his wife Mary Jane Watson but his plan is cut short when everything goes dark and he sees a lightning bolt striking on Raft. So, he quickly dresses up as Spider-Man and latches onto a helicopter to get a fast ride there, which got suddenly got hit and he falls into water.
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New Avengers – Breakout | Comics |
He swam through freezing cold water only to be greeted by Captain America on board, who also landed on that S.H.I.E.L.D. chopper. A second explosion goes off suddenly and they see Electro fleeing with someone. Surrounded by enemies, Spidey is thrown into a gauntlet of adversaries, lost his mask and got his arm broken by Jigsaw.
Murdock asks Jessica to take him to his client and they see a scruffy-looking loner inside that cell, whom he reveals to be The Sentry, most powerful super hero on Earth and are voluntary serving a sentence for allegedly killing his wife. As they try to convince him to help them escape right now, Carnage showed up out of nowhere.
To secure his friend Foggy, Murdock throws him into cell and he eventually managed to get Sentry back in action. Breaking out of his cell door, Robert Reynolds grabs Carnage and then rips him apart after taking him straight to space. Cage and Drew managed to take down Mr. Hyde before Hydro-Man slowly starts drowning them.
They still got out joining an ensuing fight alongside Cap and Spidey, which doesn't look good at all. Iron Man drops by to catch Cap mid-air when he was thrown away by Ironclad and join the party. Luke Cage comes across his arch-nemesis Purple Man, who orders him to first kill all his hero-buddies present there and then kill himself.
He was badly beaten down by Cage in response because he was sedated and his mind-power didn't work on him until he was stopped by Cap. Things wrapped up pretty fast when Sentry returns from his short trip and next day, Steve Rogers proposes to Tony Stark about forming an Avengers team with these newly assembled heroes.
One by one, he approached Cage, Jessica and Peter Parker to help him recapture 42 escaped prisoners. With an exception of Daredevil, everyone else gladly agrees to be part of his new team and meets at Stark Tower. They took Electro into custody and found clues that lead them to Savage Land, looking for Karl Lykos AKA Sauron.
Unable to access his S.H.I.E.L.D. file, New Avengers heads to the land of dinosaurs in a Quinjet that is stomped by a Tyranasaurus moments after their arrival. As they all got split up after that, Cage and Drew encounter X-Men member, Wolverine.
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Raft Prison Break |
Here is your links to buy "New Avengers – Breakout" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.
New Avengers 01

New Avengers 02

New Avengers 03

New Avengers 04

New Avengers 05

New Avengers 06

Here is your links to buy "New Avengers – Breakout" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.
New Avengers – Breakout (Softcover)

New Avengers – Breakout (Hardcover)

Following events of "Avengers Disassembled", writer Brian Michael Bendis (House of M, Secret War) and artist David Finch (Moon Knight – Midnight Sun, Moon Knight – The Bottom) was hired by Marvel Comics to work on a spin-off series titled, New Avengers and "Breakout" is its first storyline that forms the foundation of their team.
With Fantastic Four out of scene and X-Men preoccupied, there is literally no one to stop any global threat and so, the assembled heroes formed a new team that aims to be a better version of Avengers. In the mean time, capturing escaped super-villains from Raft prison break keeps them busy until they come across some real threat.
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New Order of Avengers |
Bendis successfully orchestrated a setting where some unlikely allies will assemble together for a single cause and bringing in 87 maniacal persona of Marvel Universe into that mix was a recipe that perfectly worked out for his plan. He also kept Spider-Woman's behavior somewhat mysterious to explore further in a later occasion.
Considering first story to debut a new series, "Breakout" spawns more secrets from friends and enemies than it actually resolves. Collecting first six issues of New Avengers monthly ongoing comic-book run, it is followed by "Sentry" up next that sees a long-awaited return of a classic superhero with a side order of a menacing terror.
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