To exact vengeance against Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom does the unthinkable!
Before he crossed paths with genius inventor Reed Richards, before he had his face violently disfigured by an unfortunate accident at State University in New York or before engaging in years of endless fighting with the popular adventurer team known as
Fantastic Four by becoming
Doctor Doom, Victor Von Doom was a very different man.
Long before he became the tyrant ruler of Latveria, he fell in love with a beautiful young girl named Valeria from the same Romani camp. These two love-birds were having their good days together with heartfelt affection and genuine concern for each other.
She was the only support left for Victor when he lost his parents at an early stage of life and became an orphan. Victor then studied both science and dark sorcery to open gateways to another realm in hopes to free his parents. He eventually became a great inventor and got a chance of scholarship in America through his growing reputation.
When his lover made him chose between her and the newfound opportunity, Victor chose this golden opportunity over Valeria for the pursuit of knowledge that would bring him power. Years after, he is searching for the love of his life again in places with no results even though having accomplishments in the field of science or being a billionaire.
Fantastic Four – Unthinkable | Comics |
Except for Valeria being in his life, he finds it all meaningless after all these years but ever since this couple parted ways before he came to America, they never contacted to each other and Victor doesn't even have the slightest idea of her current whereabouts. So he is currently seeking help from fortune tellers and gypsies everywhere to find her out.
Because, this time he is willing to give up everything he ever achieved, only to have her back in his life and he eventually does find her the first time he came looking for her, pointed out by another fortune teller he came across lately. As she was already waiting for him, Victor approaches an elderly Valeria, asking her to change his life forever.
The day of the lives of
Fantastic Four was going just like any other normal one with their regular family misadventures.
The Thing asks Johnny Storm to borrow some cash as he is the new Chief Financial Officer of
Fantastic Four, Inc. When he stood Ben up for too many times, he decides to play prank on Johnny by hitting him up with a massive water balloon.
Mister Fantastic and
Invisible Woman went on a tour to a dimension filled with trinary code speaking aliens, looking for photonuclear crystals to fuel his tech for a foreseeable future. Franklin and his sister Valeria were in care of Crystal and Medusa of
The Inhumans at New Attilan, Blue Area of the Moon, while their parents were away.
Upon returning, Reed and Sue bring them back through a portal and Susan takes Val to feed her. Reed goes to lab with Franklin to find out an entirely soaked Johnny looking for something to hurt Ben. Knowing it was probably
Human Torch who angered Ben in the first place; Reed offers a non-lethal suggestion and tells them to meet him after suiting up.
Susan was talking to Ben in kitchen about how she is worried about a normal future for her daughter. As Val was playing with blocks, Ben tries for her to say his name but unseen to them all,
Doctor Doom showed up to her, claiming her to be his goddaughter.
He compels her to say the word "Doom" and when she does, chaos breaks out at lab in form of a weird green energy beam almost immediately. Johnny couldn't stop it with his flames and
Mr. Fantastic was forced to quickly transport Franklin to New Attilan for safety but the boy accidentally ended up being dragged out by netherdemons into Hell.
Defense system went down pretty fast and Johnny jumps in to save his nephew, only to get badly burnt by hellfire. When Ben mentioned of what Val said earlier, Reed watches into her eye and through it, Victor assures him to meet very soon. The world's greatest family then head over to Latveria for an unthinkable confrontation of their lives.
The Conflict Infernal |
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Fantastic Four – Unthinkable
A four issue plot with a prologue story on Victor Von Doom from the pages of
Fantastic Four, "
Unthinkable" is further exploring untold origin of Doom's back-story. The story kick starts from issue #67 of third volume of titular monthly ongoing comic-book series and ended up on issue #500 of original count, which came after 70th issue of this volume.
Veteran comic-book writer
Mark Waid (
Onslaught Saga,
Original Sin) and artist
Mike Wieringo (
Fantastic Four – Disassembled,
Fantastic Four – Rising Storm) tied this story up in 2004 that would have after effects on the heroes in the long run of their lives.
An Unthinkable Doom |
This one is quite a different story-arc for the family as their arch-nemesis now relies on mystical powers beyond their understanding. Yet question remains, why Victor is looking for Valeria after all these years? What cryptic connection does it has with the
Fantastic Four? What unthinkable deed he is going to do when he finds out his lost love?
A brief glimpse on New Attilan as well as other known
Marvel Comics characters like
Lockjaw and
Medusa making a cameo was very enjoyable. Sorcerer Supreme
Doctor Strange appears in a guest-role as well as beings from Dark Dimension. Though the good doctor didn't hang out for long, he did provide Reed a way to salvation.
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